Research and Publications

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share my thinking and research

Current Research

If you are interested in learning more or indeed, getting involved in any of the research below, do please get in touch.

Belonging and inclusion at work

My research here is ongoing, and I continue to explore the implications of belonging for workers and organisations. I am exploring the prevalence of the experience and the implications for belonging of different contexts and scenarios, such as COVID-19, hybrid working, new mothers, menopausal women, and diversity.

Progressing race equity in the workplace

Myself and my colleague are conducting research to understand the experience of race in the workplace and what supports or hinders engagement in and understanding of racial inequity in organisations.

The aim of the research is to support the development of competence and confidence for all populations in organisations to engage in dialogue and action around race and support the much-needed change in racial inequity in organisations.

The Working Shift

I am involved in research exploring how working parents experience the transition to parenthood in an organizational context.

The ultimate ambition for the research is to provide recommendations for organizations and for individuals regarding what they can do to aid with this re-entry to the workforce following parental leave.

Recommendations seek to inform a transition through which parents feel supported, and organization’s retain motivated staff members who are enabled to contribute productively.

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